Johnson County, Iowa has 6 Furniture Repair & Upholsteries, with a population of 144.4 thousand, there is 1 Furniture Repair & Upholstery for every 24.1 thousand people. Johnson County is ranked 20th of 99 counties in Iowa for Furniture Repair & Upholsteries per capita.
Find Johnson County Furniture Repair & Upholsteries addresses, and lookup phone numbers, hours & services.
In-Out Upholstery Furniture Upholstering 1322 Dover St Iowa, 52240
In-Out Upholstery Furniture Upholstering 328 E 2nd St Iowa, 52240
Regeneration Factory Furniture Upholstering 1107 E Burlington St Iowa, 52240
Regeneration Factory Furniture Upholstering 328 E 2nd St Iowa, 52240
The Little Shop Antique Restoration, Antiques, Furniture, Furniture Upholstering 79 Commercial Dr Iowa, 52246
Tls Antique Restoration, Furniture Upholstering 79 Commercial Dr Iowa, 52246