Dubois County Furniture Repair & Upholsteries

Dubois County, Indiana has 8 Furniture Repair & Upholsteries, with a population of 42.4 thousand, there is 1 Furniture Repair & Upholstery for every 5.3 thousand people. Dubois County is ranked 1st of 92 counties in Indiana for Furniture Repair & Upholsteries per capita.

All Furniture Repair & Upholsteries in Dubois County, Indiana

Find Dubois County Furniture Repair & Upholsteries addresses, and lookup phone numbers, hours & services.

Bob & Jane's Upholstery Furniture Upholstering 11371 S Whispering Pne Rd Huntingburg, 47542

Buechlein's KWIK-Strip & Custom Furniture & Design Furniture Upholstering 841 S 400w Jasper, 47546

Carol's Custom Upholstery & Repair Furniture Upholstering 1082 W 375s Huntingburg, 47542

Kent's Upholstry Shop Furniture Upholstering 1431 Briar Clf Pkwy Jasper, 47546

Lampert Upholstery Furniture Upholstering 677 N State Rte 545 Celestine, 47521

Weyer Upholstery Furniture Upholstering 1844 N 600w Jasper, 47546

Weyer Upholstery Furniture Upholstering 902 Ml St Jasper, 47546

Weyer Upholstery Furniture Upholstering 1840 N 600 W Jasper, 47546