Northbrook, Illinois has 3 Furniture Repair & Upholsteries, with a population of 33.6 thousand, there is 1 Furniture Repair & Upholstery for every 11.2 thousand people. Northbrook is ranked 87th of 1547 cities in Illinois for Furniture Repair & Upholsteries per capita.
Find Northbrook Furniture Repair & Upholsteries addresses, and lookup phone numbers, hours & services.
Ace Covering Furniture Upholstering 1978 Raymond Dr Northbrook, 60062
Direct Commerce Group Office Furniture, Office Furniture Installation, Office Furniture Repair, Office Supplies 722 Landwehr Rd Northbrook, 60062
Mcfaul Upholster Furniture Upholstering 1623 Techny Rd Northbrook, 60062